Re. Application for the Loan for Pig-Farming Business
Dear [NAME], I am [FULL NAME OF THE APPLICANT), from [ADDRESS]. I have been working in the [DEPARTMENT] of [COMPANY] since 20XX. I have my educational background in the Business Administration and my working in the [COMPANY] has given me enough experience in these XX years to follow more on the business administration and financing.
I am applying for a loan of $[X] to start my own business in pig farming, generally called piggery. I have been taking enough advice and suggestion from the group of pig farmers who encouraged me to start the business with a good amount and by breeding a unit of [X] sows. As piggery is one of the most industrious businesses, it also needs a big amount to start. As to breed pigs, farmers need to accommodate different spaces for different works to cover up hygiene and safe supply.
The [DEPARTMENT OF ANIMAL FARMING] has inspected the area and approve the business initiation (find enclosed). The two-unit building is of several compartments for different purposes. The first unit is the production unit for mating, farrowing, and weaning whereas the second unit is for biosecurity that includes fencing, showers, and food storage. The approval has been granted after much inspection to affirm the business role.
I have enclosed my credit report that shows my credit score in [X]. Although it is the standard credit score, it also shows the regularity in repayment of the loan and demonstrates my credibility as a borrower. I have already been a client to the [NAME OF ANOTHER BANK/COMPANY]. I have enclosed all the required documents.
Please let me know about the further procedure or anything needed for the fulfillment of this loan process. Please send me an email at [EMAIL] or call at [PHONE NUMBER] in case you need to speak to me. Thanks for your consideration.

Dear [NAME],
Through this application, I purport to apply for a loan of $[X] for pig farming. I am interested in starting a business of piggery for that I need this amount. With an interest of [PERCENTAGE], this amount would capable me to start the business with [X] sows or child pigs that would turn into adults after [TIME REQUIRED FOR BREEDING].
My business of pig farming would flourish the US Pork Producers (USPP) organization as I have long-term plans related to this business and I want to take this business to next level in near future. To bring all my dreams to come true, I need $[X] to start the business as you now ‘a thousand miles journey start from a single step.
Moreover, my interest in animal farming would also yield a bright career in the business of farming. I have attached all the required documents including my profile in the National Identity Curriculum, past working experience certificates, educational documents, proof of residence, proof of business infrastructure, and space allotted for different units. I have also attached the file of the bank report on my previous loan compiled by [BANK NAME] along with the credit report.
Please contact me if you do not find anything unsatisfactory. I shall be available in case of any meeting needed for the loan approval. My contact details are given, please inform me about any progress in the process with time. Thank you.